February 22, 2010

Music As Motivation

My current class is on Human Motivation and all that goes into it. The focus in on motivation in the workplace but the lessons go so much deeper. I was thinking about this today as I went to town for a quick trip. My wife had mentioned to me yesterday how she was reminded how much music motivated her. I am in total agreement that music is a motivator for our family but it strikes me how the type of music is so varied.

We have a little of everything in our iTunes and as such there is never a shortage for music no matter the situation. What is interesting to me is what is most effective in motivating me. It may surprise many to know that the music which I enjoy and get most energized by is Kid Rock or Eminem. As I sit here typing this I have Eminem's Curtain Call fueling me with inspiration. I had some time earlier today to wonder as to why this music is so influential to me. Kid Rock and Eminem are not exactly everyday role models, most people I know would not listen to them and their lyrics go against everything I grew up being taught.

...well, that's it. These two musical artists are everything I aspire to be in my faith, my family and my daily walk.

-I don't want to be like everyone else. It's not that everyone else is not good but there are only so many times you can fit the right mold and fall in line before you get lost in the crowd. I don't believe I am supposed to just get lost in the crowd.

-I don't want my message to be appealing to everyone. I want it to be hard to hear, uncomfortable to swallow and next to impossible to understand. Anyone can spew the cookie cutter messages that are out there. I don't think that's my calling. If I don't offend someone, most likely traditionalists, with my message then I am not being bold enough.

-I don't necessarily agree with everything I grew up being taught. I don't want to continue the patterns of sin in my family. I am who I am because of my family but that doesn't mean I have to be my family. I grew up with an Uncle and Aunt who were the family outcasts because they lived life for themselves and went against family traditions. I was taught they were wrong for doing this but now I am them. I will not be defined by my family past but rather I will seek to define my families future.

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