July 30, 2009

Cultural Apprehension to Diversity

I think the biggest issue for cultures is to see diversity and change as an opportunity for growth. In the US we have a lot of diversity but we do not always see it as a positive influence for change. For many countries around the world they may not have as much diversity from people moving there from other countries but they still have the influences of other cultures through any number of media outlets and mediums. With all the opportunities for information to spread in a moments notice there is little chance of a culture to exist unaffected by other cultures.

Whereas the United States has been more open to change and diversity Asian cultures may be more resistant to change because of cultural traditions that do not allow for diversity to impact the culture. Changes in diversity would disrupt cultural traditions that are the foundation of the culture and define who they are. The US needs to be careful not to be so open to change that they lose their identity and Asian cultures need to be careful not to allow cultural traditions to limit growth of the culture.

Cultural Challenges for Business Success

Across cultural lines there are many challenges, some of which will be harder to overcome than others. Although I think the language differences could be factors in competition and business success there are so many tools and resources available to get past that today I think the language difficulties will be minimal if at all. I think of greater concern will be the differences in business ethics and personel practices. From one culture to another the way employees are treated and compensated can vary greatly and this can in turn cause major challenges for organizations seeking to compete globally. For any organization wanting to compete there needs to be a concerted effort in making sure the organization is treating it's employees respectfully and when that causes costs to be higher companies need to be creative on how to limit the effect on providing cost competitive products/services to it's customers.

July 25, 2009

Cultural Fluency / Diversity Consciousness

As we continue to learn about other cultures and develop a better understanding of how to relate to them does that lessen the effects of the diversity? If we know our own cultural tendencies and adjust so we can communicate better with other cultures, as the other cultures are doing the same, does that cause more diversity issues? Not that I don't believe we should do everything we can to be conscious of how other cultures and diversities work with our own but also know what others are expecting from our culture.

Cultural fluency and diversity consciousness seems to be a lot like knowing how to use a computer. You may know how to use the software from today but next month when the new programs come out you have to relearn. In understanding and appreciating other cultures we need to be constantly learning and not become content where we are.

July 24, 2009

Preventing Sexual Harassment

Organizations need to have strategies for educating their employees about what is and is not considered sexual harassment. This education needs to include topics on respect for others, appropriate contact and appropriate communication. When an organization has couples working together this can be difficult but should still be enforced so as not to devalue the importance of the situation.

One of the more prevalent issues with sexual harassment is when managers brush it off as a misunderstanding or something that the employee brought on themselves. By not stopping the behavior as soon as it starts the manager of the organization condone the behavior.

Educate the staff and immediately address any instances of inappropriate behavior to limit the occurence and proliferation of sexual harassment.

Americans w/ Disabilities Act - Workplace Impact

Workplace environments have changed due to the implementation of the ADA. Most of the changes have been positive but as with any rule there can be effects that end up being used as negative influences.

The positive effects of the ADA is the people who are disabled are being given equal opportunity to contribute in the workplace. Whether physically or mentally disabled everyone should be given equal opportunity to attain a job. The concern is that what happens when there are definite restrictions that prohibit a particular disability from being able to perform a job.

The issue for organizations is that if a disability makes it impossible for someone to perform a particular job they are not able to make a decision based off that but more often than not they are expected to do whatever is necessary to make it possible. What is the line that is crossed when it is no longer about trying to accommodate a disability but rather compromising the position? This same scenario can occur with any type of diversity if the person working in a position is given it because of the goal of diversity and not because they are the most qualified.

July 23, 2009

Respect is Earned

I am amazed when I see people who hold a certain position or wear a certain uniform who don't understand they have to earn respect. It is not enough to just have a title or wear a uniform you have conduct yourself in such a way that exhibits a demeanor which deserves respect. This is a constant struggle for anyone who is part of cultural group and represents that group in their community and lives.

Whether it is a police officer, military personnel, religious leaders or team leaders in an organization the respect for the position is not the same as respect for the person who holds the position. The individual who holds the position has the earn the respect that comes with the position and if not they will find it difficult to lead their organization effectively to achieve their goals.

July 22, 2009

Affirmative Action - Positive or Negative

I think Affirmative Action can be guilty as just as much discrimination as what it is trying to prevent. I am all for everyone getting a fair shot at a job that they are qualified for but if and when it comes to the point that someone is put into a position that is not qualified for that position we have problems with the system.

I don't see where affirmative action should replace the process of interviewing and selecting the right candidate unless there are known issues with candidates being overlooked because of discrimination.

July 20, 2009


Proxemics is the cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial distances between individuals.

I am reminded of position I once had in a retail business. We trained all our sales staff that they were to greet any customer who came within 10 feet of them. This was a tool we used to make sure that our sales staff was engaging the customers but also served the purpose of making sure our customers did not leave feeling ignored and disrespected.

Across cultural lines the distance between people when the are talking, the act of greeting someone when the get within a certain distance and whether to shake hands, hug or bow are all factors of proxemics that can cause communication challenges if not understood and addressed appropriately.

Cultural Perceptions of Time

Monochromic time is characterized by schedules and strategic planning. There is a sense of order and purpose to every decision.

Polychromic time is characterized by many events happening at one time. Time is seen as a collection of moments rather than a period of time.

Across cultural lines these two systems of understanding can cause great confusion and frustration. For someone who is from a culture that works in the monochromic style to participate in polychromic cultural event would seem like chaos and confusion. In contrast someone from the polychromic culture could feel controlled and restricted if immersed in the monochromic culture. As with other cultural differences it is critical to understand how your own culture is perceived by others and how others may differ from your own.

July 19, 2009

Diversity - Physical Factors

Physical factors of diversity can include everything from hair color to height. Hair color is difficult to judge anymore because of how much people change their color on a somewhat regular basis but blondes are still treated as less intelligent while redheads are expected to have a fiery personality. If hair color was not such a factor there would be no need for hair dyes so that people could change there "personality" type or get rid of the gray.

Weight issues also lead to issues of diversity. Look at how many shows on TV are focused on healthy eating and exercise. There was enough the new "Bachelor" on TV this summer with what would be considered an overweight man and overweight women as the contestants. The promotions for the series labeled them as "normal" contestants this time around. So does that mean the other bachelors were exceptional. The cultural representation of normal affects how we perceive and relate to one another.

Personal Responsibility - Marriage

I think the American viewpoint on personal responsibility absolutely factors into the marriage and divorce rates in our culture. There is a sense in the American culture that if a marriage is not working out it must be someone else's fault because I did all I could to make it work. There is no responsibility taken for our actions and how they affect things but rather our actions are justified because of the other person. Personal responsibility is not a value that is expected or taught any more. From the highest levels in government, organizations, school and even families there is no responsibility taken for ones actions but rather a plan for justification because of someone else's actions.

I think it also comes down to the attitude in America that you must always look out for yourself because no one else will. So, following that logic, if a marriage is not working for you then do what you need to do to make yourself happy.

July 18, 2009

Cultural Value of Communication Styles

Parables can be used in a very effective way in cross-cultural communication. Parables are the method of telling stories to illustrate an idea or objective. The challenge that can turn parables into a negative in telling a story that is not relevant or appropriate for the other culture. Using parables and not telling them in a context that is relatable can create even more confusion in the conversation.

Argot is a secret or minimally understood language using real words from a language but changing the understanding and/or meaning of the words for the purpose of conversing. This method of communication is used throughout crime networks to work with the members of a network without exposing their intentions to outsiders. This communication method can be a difficult barrier to overcome if you are not closely affiliated with those already speaking it.

July 15, 2009

Kinesics in Intercultural Communication

I do not have a lot of intercultural experience throughout my work experiences but I think I can relate. One of the things that has stuck out to me over the years is different cultures and their respect for the local police officers. I grew up in a relatively small town with my dad working as in the local police department. It always impressed me that there were so many people around town who knew and respected my dad because he did his job. I am convinced that my dad knew more people around town because he had arrested them or got them home safely from a wrong night out.

This trend did not continue when I moved to a large metropolitan area. The police in this community was seen as the enemy and people went out of there way to avoid contact or communication with them. The reaction to those in law enforcement differs from culture to culture depending on how the law is perceived and enforced in those cultures. Realizing this difference did cause some difficulties because I found it uncomfortable to tell people what my dad did as a career due to their lack of respect for law enforcement.

July 11, 2009

Culture as Computer Software

Culture is the characteristics and behaviors that define a specific group based on ethnicity, age, social demographic, etc. The relation of culture to computer software can be illustrated through the exploration of compatibility issues. With computer software there are programs that work with certain operating systems better than others. A program may work well with MacOS but not with Windows. It may work optimally with WindowsXP but not with Windows98. There are compatibility concerns with word processor documents also because a document created in one program may not look the same when opened in a different program. The programs are not compatible with each other.

With cultures we can run into the same issues. One culture may be compatible with another because of similarities in their beliefs but not with another that has differences in their work ethics. Every culture has little differences that can cause compatibility issues and the task for us is to address these differences and work out the bugs in our software.

July 10, 2009

Managing Gender Roles

I think there is a major difference between a man thinking his wife "should" stay at home and a man "supporting" his wife in her desire to be a mom. These are two very different viewpoints to look at this from. If the man is believing this to the point that it becomes a controlling issue then there could definitely be issues with him working in an organization where his supervisor was female. He would have a difficult time having respect for and submitting to the authority of someone who he felt did not deserve the job.

On the other hand if the man was of the belief that he would support his wife in staying at home and being a mom, like myself, then he would not have a problem working for a female supervisor. Having the respect for his wife to support her in her decision will also help him to respect other women and their choices. I have no problem working for a female supervisor as long as she does her job and deserves the position.

In the workplace you could run into either one of these scenarios so there needs to be a policy in place to address the respect for authority. No matter the gender, race or age if the person is in a position of authority they must have employees working for them who are submissive to their leadership. If their support staff does not submit because of an issue of diversity they should be reprimanded accordingly.

Media Stereotypes Affect Diversity Consciousness

I think that for the most part the portrayal of stereotypes in the media are detracting from the cause of diversity. I don't believe that stereotyping is ever a positive thing. From news stories to sit-coms the media representation of stereotypes is typically done in a negative manner. As is typical for news stories the majority of reports are done from a negative perspective and when they involve individuals of various races the media paints the individuals as a representative of their race and puts them is a box of expectations. There are certain news items that are expected to be done by or including specific races which leads to dangerous assumptions on the ethnicity.

On a national level the promotion of diversity in the workplace is tough to judge because it depends on the field of media. Within national news organizations the diversity is severely lacking but when you look at national sports news organizations their are high levels of diversity represented. I think that there is much more promotion of diversity in the workplace at the regional and local levels. Depending on the demographic of the audience there is a more conscious effort to promote the diversity.

July 8, 2009

Diversity Decisions and Their Lasting Impact

The Roe v. Wade case of the early 1970's has led to over 25 years of controversy and discussions. No matter which side of this issue you come down on there are numerous arguement's for and against the right of a woman to have an abortion. With organizations from Planned Parenthood to Right to Life the supporters of both sides are passionate about their views. Although this decision has had a direct impact on the topic of abortion what has it affected outside of this area?

This decision has done more than just affect the abortion question. This case from 1973 has led to other discussion and eventual rulings on the rights of individuals to make medical decisions for themselves. Just one example of this is the assisted suicide law in Oregon that gives doctors the ability to help an individual end their life if they choose to do so. Without the decision of Roe v. Wade would this future ruling have been as acceptable. It again comes down to an individuals right to choose. The direct or indirect impact of Roe v. Wade has had and will continue to have an impact on the rulings made in our country.

July 4, 2009

Orientation to Time

The factor of time can be difficult to manage. It is possible that you may not realize what challenges time management will pose until you are in the midst of a project that is time sensitive. Managing this cultural factor comes down to a manager knowing their employees and delegating responsibility appropriately. Having staff that comes from different sides on time management can make any project difficult to finish in a timely manner. If you know you have team members who are not as motivated to get done with a project it may be necessary to assign them pieces of the project that are not time sensitive and/or do not factor into other pieces getting done.

I think the other way to look at this is not how fast or motivated are they to get the project done but are they completing the project on time and to sufficient standards. To say that the US culture is busy and rushing from one thing to another is an understatement. If the project is still getting done on schedule then the time management and work ethic of those working on it may not be of as much concern.

Culture is Learned

It can be very difficult, if not impossible, to change someone's habits that they have learned from family. You have to be careful when trying to change cultural tendencies learned from family because it can be seen as a slight against an individuals family. There is a balance between learning new ideas of respect while still respecting the teaching and authority of an individuals heritage.

Within the workplace it may be easier to teach someone about respect from the standpoint of a company value rather than changing a family value. As the individual learns what respect in the workplace looks like they may find ways to apply this in their personal life as well. Approaching the topic of respect this way will help it to come across as a positive learning experience rather than a negative towards the learning they have had up to this point.

July 3, 2009

Benefits of Diversity

I believe that one of the greatest assets of diversity is that it helps us to understand that there is more than one response for any situation. It is comfortable for us to rely on our experiences or cultural traditions and think that there is not another way to handle a situation. For many of us we get into our comfort zone and don't take the time to look for other options to the situation.

Experiencing diversity helps us to learn about other ways to respond to situations and analyze from another point of view. As we learn to see situations from other points of view we will develop our personal and professional understanding of working with and within other cultures. This will allow us to have a more thorough and respected response to any situation we come up against.

Cultural Diversities - Consistencies & Challenges

One of the things that seems to be consistent across cultures is the importance of and respect for family. This is actually something that the american culture could learn to have more appreciation for. There needs to be more respect given to family and the role it plays or should play in our day to day. In most cultures the support and respect for family is such that through times of negative or positive experiences the family is involved and supportive. Having this connection across cultures is conducive to a development of understanding and appreciation for other cultures.

Within the workplace there can be challenges faced when various cultures are working together. From one culture to another the work habits and business ethics can be much different. This is not only evident from culture to culture but also from generation to generation. While one culture or generation may have the work habits that are self-motivated and require little management oversight another group may have much different habits. For business ethics there may be one group who works on the whatever it takes to get it done philosophy while another may be more aware of how their decisions are affecting those in the organization.

July 1, 2009

Building Diversity Consciousness

Building our diversity consciousness can be done by putting people in situations where they have the opportunity to learn about and experience the diversity around them. Within my organization there is not a lot of cultural diversity but there is a wide range of diverse personalities. We have had many situations where these personalities clashed and caused a ripple effect within the organization. Last summer we sought out a coach to take our leadership through a day of analization of and education on the various personalities represented in our organization. Doing this gave our leadership several tools to work with. First off they had a better understanding of their own personality. They also were aware of what the other team members personalities were. Lastly they knew how their personality was compatible or incompatible with the others.

This same process can work for diversity consciousness. We first need to realize what things we do that are cultural tendencies. These may be things we don't even think about but others see as representative of our diversity. If we can learn to recognize these things in ourselves it will be easier to identify and understand them in others. Which leads us to the next step of realizing the diversity of those around us. The last step in the process is to learn and appreciate how the diversity of ourselves and others affects the situations we are in. This will help us to understand work habits, family priorities, religious practices and cultural communication differences that we may or may not have ourselves.

Respect for Cultural Diversities

The ability to relate to and appreciate others and their diversities is key to our personal growth. One of the challenges I think we face when it comes to diversity is what exactly the term relates to. More often than not when diversity is discussed it is in the realm of racial or ethnic backgrounds. To limit the discussion on diversity to only this topic is to miss the bigger picture of all the cultural differences that can separate one from another.

No matter where I have lived or worked there is always something that creates diversity within the group. I grew up in a family that at times could be very discriminating on basis of race but would bend over backwards to help someone who lost their job or had a medical emergency. I worked in an organization that one person was ridiculed and ignored because they were gay yet one of the most respected and liked people was disabled. I live in a community that goes out of their way to help single parents but when a couple decide that the mom wants to not work to raise their kids they are seen as irresponsible.

Any group of people will have some level of diversity in it. Our responsibility is to have a level of respect for the diversity even if we can't or don't understand it. Relating to and attempting to understand those who are different from ourselves will give us the opportunity to grow and learn about other cultures, communities, families, businesses, etc. We will all be better for it.