September 26, 2009

Ethical Considerations in Business Research

Business research must be conducted in a manner that results in quality results to assist in making productive decisions. In order for the research to be of good quality there are some ethical considerations that must be taken into consideration.

The rights of the participant or subject must be protected so that, during the course of the research, no one suffers any physical harm or embarrassment. There also must be a level of safety for the researcher, sponsor and participants to know that any sensitive information is guaranteed to be kept safe and the right to personal privacy will be upheld. After the research is complete psychological evaluations must be done to ensure there are no long-term negative affects from the research.

Sponsors of the research must receive ethically conducted and reported research. Adhering to this consideration will reduce the opportunity for participants to form biased opinions and answers. As part of this effort the research design needs to be appropriate for the questions asked in order to maximize the value of the resources being used. The final piece to be considered in making sure that the research is conducted in an ethical manner is to ensure that all parties involved adhere to a level of personal integrity for the purpose of instilling confidence in the results of the research.

September 25, 2009

Imagination & Creativity in Business

I do believe that some level of imagination and creativity are necessary for an organization to grow. Without these things organizations could grow stagnant or content with where they are and see no reason to change anything they are doing. I think it relates to the concept of stupidity. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Within an organization if you continue to run the business in the same way that it has always been done and cannot understand why it is not growing any more there is a lack of imagination and/or creativity in trying to come up with new concepts or programs for the organization.

An organization that seeks to foster an environment of imagination and creativity will reap the benefits of that. Knowing that there is support and encouragement to be creative and imaginative at work will accomplish a couple of things for the organization. First off, employees will feel more of a sense of value and ownership in the organization because they have some level of input into the programs or concepts which move the organization forward. Secondly, the organization will free its' employees to add another level of conceptualizing to the leadership of the organization and increase the breadth of the perspectives which go into the business decisions being made.

September 24, 2009

Intuitive Decision Making

I think intuitive decision making has a place in business but not in the day to day decisions that must be made. Intuitive decisions must be made in situations where a new concept or product is being introduced to the market place. If businesses are going to push the envelope of what they do there will come a point where, even with thorough research, intuition is going to be necessary in the decision making process.

I used to work for a record label and we were always introducing new concepts to our customers through advertising campaigns and new artists we were developing. There was a limit to how much we could research and plan for a new release because until people actually hear the music you can't be sure of the response it will get. To this point we had to develop a relationship with our accounts to the point where we could contact them and recommend products based on how we felt they were going to do. Sometimes we were right and sometimes we were wrong but without the opportunity to take the risk you don't how it is going to play out. You may lose or you may win but based on an evaluation of the risk involved you sometimes have to go with your gut and make a decision.

One of my favorite lines from a movie is, 'It's never been done before.' reply, 'That's why it is going to work.'

What is Business Research?

Business research is a system of inquiry that is used with the intent of providing valuable information for managerial and/or leadership decisions. The process involves several steps; acquiring, analyzing and dispensing data in order to provide relevant and qualified information that will spur the organization to take appropriate actions for maximizing business performance. In order to make informed and appropriate decisions research must be done to support the decision. In simplest terms, business research is the process of gathering information in order to make good business decisions.

For organizations to be successfull and continue to grow business research must be a tool that the leadership of the organization uses to make the most appropriate and opportune decisions. Without the use of research there is little to no basis for justification of the decisions that are made in an organization. One of the challenges for organizations to understand about business research is that there is a positive and negative aspect of any research. Research may result in positive support for the plans of the organization but it could also come as a negative result. A negative result in business research does not mean the decision should not be made but simply that the process or reasons behind the decision may need to be re-evaluated.

Extensive and thorough business research will result in decisions being made which have a positive impact on an organization with limited negative impact.

September 17, 2009

Respect for Individual Ethics

An individuals personal code of ethics is an important part of who they are and defines themselves to others. It represents their belief systems, their relationships with others and what they want out of life. When fellow employees respect and appreciate the individuals code of ethics it makes the work environment that much easier to be in. This acceptance is a benefit to not only the individuals but also the organization they serve.

When fellow employees do not respect an individuals code of ethics it can create tensions in the workplace and lead to a lack of performance overall. This can end up being a negative for the organization if their employees cannot work together for the good of the organization.

Ethical Leadership

When working for any organization there are a certain set of rules and expectations that you work under. Outside of the stated rules many work off the basis whatever they see or hear the leaders in the organization doing. They are following the example that is set for them. When this happens the hope is that the leadership of the organization is acting in an ethical fashion. When they are not it gives the impression that the organization itself is not ethical. Unethical leaders can also give mixed signals to the staff they lead because while they may not be ethical themselves they may expect their staff to be.

Having ethical leadership in an organization gives a great example for employees to follow.

Proper Leadership - Workplace Dilemmas

Proper leadership can help in diffusing potential volatile issues of miscommunication. With email communication in the workplace it can be very easy for something to come across wrong when sent between co-workers. Even within verbal communication there is the possibility of employee mis-understandings to occur. Proper leadership will help in working through this dilemma in leading by example. Leaders who have an open door and regularly communicate with their staff at their level demonstrate the importance of open and honest communication and the necessity to address any miscommunications as soon as they come up.

Another area that proper leadership can address is in workplace motivation. Depending on the work environment it can be difficult for employees to get and stay motivated about the job they are doing. Proper leaders will seek to understand and motivate their staff within the context of the situation they are in. Motivating through encouragement and challenge in a way that does not degrade or de-value the employee will help to address the issue of a lack of motivation at work.

September 15, 2009

Church Marketing

In my experience I would venture that others have not taken the initiative to develop similar strategies because at their core they do not agree. They may profess to and their vision/mission may say they agree but at their core they truly don't want everyone to feel welcome. Having others come into their church or ministry who are not like them threatens the safety and security of the group for them and their families. Too many churches also feel that it is not necessary for them to market themselves to people because if people want to be there they will come.

I commend the church in those videos for not only taking the initiative to develop and follow through on a marketing strategy but for stepping out in an area that pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable and recommended within church leadership strategies.

September 14, 2009

Outward Focus = Inward Growth

I have spoken at churches and organization meetings about the need for an outward focus in ministry. Too many organizations fall into the trap of believing that they will be more outward focused after they get everything on the inside taken care of. This unfortunate decision leads to a lot of frustration as getting it completely together on the inside rarely happens in a timely manner. The better course of action is to be outward focused from the beginning and in doing so the inside will fall in to place and often take care of itself.

The opportunity for growth and personal treasure is in giving of yourself for the benefit of others.

September 11, 2009

Conformity of American Children

I guess it's a matter of perspective. Comparing American children to those in other cultures I can see that we would be seen as less conforming but as I try to raise my children to excel and be as successful as possible I see a culture raising their children to conform rather than succeed.

I am referring to the expectations to conform as put on children through peer pressure, parental expectations and a lack of competitive standards.

Peer pressure pushes children to conform to the expectations of the group or be cast out. Having individuality is seen as dangerous and to an extent unacceptable.

Parental expectations encourage children to play it safe and follow the rules, not seeking to make waves or dream too big. Parents want their children to be safe, secure and successful.

The lack of competitive standards has crept into our education and athletic arenas in taking away the ability for children to excel over others. Children are not recognized for excelling or winning but rather just for participating. Children who could excel are brought down to the level of those around them so as to not make them feel less worthy. Conformity by lowering our standards rather than raising our expectations.

Commonality over Differences

Looking for commonalities over differences gives us a basis to work from in understanding ours and other's beliefs. Finding those things which you can agree upon will give a sense of comradery to the relationship and therefore establish groundwork for understanding, or at least accepting, the differences.

As a pastor I am often frustrated that churches seem to be competing with each other and dividing themselves along the lines of their differences. I have often challenged other pastors and congregations to worry less about what divides us and instead focus on what we have in common. This same philosophy can apply in school and in work. In the end we will get a lot more done and hopefully grow in our ethical understandings.

September 10, 2009

Why Are Ethics Changing?

The ethics we use to relate to each other has changed as the methods of communication have changed. The evolution of communication from writing a letter to email to texting has caused an evolution of the way in which we address others and show them respect. Writing a letter you would at least include a name of who you were writing to (Mr. Jones, Mrs. Burns, etc.), with email you might include their name in the body of the email but most of the time it may only show in the address bar and with texting there is no name at all just a phone number. This progression has caused a change in how we address other and the ethics around respect for others. Before email and texting you would never consider contacting your teacher and addressing them by first name only or only sending a message to their phone number.

September 9, 2009

Ethics Development Through Life Experience

Through my life experiences and background I have been exposed to many environments and circumstances that have played a part in shaping my personal ethics standards. I grew up in a family where my parents seemed to get along just fine and had no significant problems only to realize (after I had left home for college) that there were major issues which ultimately led to divorce. This divorce occurred one month prior to my wedding. Three years into my marriage when struggles arose my wife and I did not know where to turn and although deep down we didn't believe in divorce having seen my parents go that route now made it seem like a viable option. Had I not had the experience of seeing my parents go through this I don't think I would have considered it an option.

On and off over the next two years my wife and I both filed divorce papers only to cancel them at the last minute. We ultimately decided this was not what we wanted out of our lives and made the choice to work it out. We have been happily married since and are better for it. We now have a deeper appreciation for the struggles and pressures on marriage and have welcomed opportunities to share our experience if it will help someone else.

September 7, 2009

Ethics - Learning to Conform?

More often than not the actions of an individual at home, school or in social settings are representative of conformity to social expectations. Too many times people act or say things a certain way because that is what they believe society expects from them, not because it is what their ethics tells them to do. Many people will not openly stand up for or express their ethical beliefs because they are concerned about personal and/or professional retribution.

In the U.S. culture there are expectations of conformity placed on us from an early age. Telling us how to act, how to speak and to an extent even what career path to choose. The downfall of this is that there may come a time when people say 'enough is enough' and stop trying to conform but rather stand firm in their ethics no matter the cost.

September 6, 2009

Personal & Professional - Working From Home

Having worked from home from 2001 until 2008 I can say that the personal and professional lines can get blurred. When you work outside the home you act in way that is representative of the culture in which you work. Working at home is much the same way except that your 'co-workers' are your family. The way I interacted with my family was not the same as how I would interact with co-workers outside of my home. There is an expectation, when you work from home, that you don't have to be as rigid in your attire, schedule and communication. This can be a tough balance because in the midst of all this you still have a job to do.

I actually found working from home to be very frustrating at times. Working at home you never leave the office (you can't really call in sick), you don't have interaction with other staff and I actually worked longer hours than if I worked outside the home. When I did it I had an office that was just for work so that I could leave my job at the end of the day and close the door behind me. Didn't always work that way but when I needed it to it was there.

Questioning Religion

As a pastor I am very open to discussing religious beliefs because it helps me to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the uniqueness of each of us as individuals. An open discussion that gives differing sides an opportunity to share and discuss is a great benefit to furthering the understanding and appreciation of different religions, cultures and races. For many people who claim to have an open mind and then proceed to defame and disgrace their beliefs through their actions are the few who give religion a bad name.

A mentor of mine always said, 'Anyone who claims to have all the answers won't let you ask all the questions.' I verify anything I question of what others have told me and expect others to do the same of what I say.

September 5, 2009

Curriculum & Teaching Styles

I cannot speak to the curriculum that the schools and teachers are currently using on how it will prepare children to survive in the 21st century. As far as the curriculum, teaching styles and teachers being outdated I am sure there are some schools where that is the situation and schools have not been pro-active about planning for the future of their students. With the student groups that I work with at our local schools there seems to be a disconnect between the individual students and the teachers / administrators at the school. In my opinion that is where our public schools are missing the mark in relating to students and preparing them for their future.

I know for my family we have been homeschooling since 1995 and during that time we have tried our best to stay up to date on curriculum and educational resources available to us. We have tailored our curriculum to the interest and educational level of our children on an individual level. Through our homeschooling we do whatever we can to make the lessons interactive and as hands on as possible. The combination of these decisions provides our children with an environment which fosters individual growth and success.

September 4, 2009

Personal & Professional Values

An individuals values at the professional level should be a reflection of the values at a personal level but not an exact replica. Personal values are what is best for the individual, their family and the cultural context they are in. Professional values need to take a broader stance as they have to take into account what is best for the organization, for the customers and for the stakeholders of the organization (both internal and external).

As a homeschool parent I feel it is my duty to raise my children and teach them myself. In this context I have a specific set of values that take into account the importance of a good education, the necessity of community involvement / interaction with others and the flexibility to custom fit educational studies to the personal needs and interests of my children. Through my work with the YMCA I work with several programs for high school, jr. high and elementary students in the local schools. Through these programs my values include the importance of a good education, the importance of a support system for children to be able to work through daily struggles (at school and at home) and the value of the students as individuals.

Some of my values are the same personally and professionally but many are different. I see the importance in both situations and understand that there is a need and purpose for both. My values in both areas are consistent with staying true to who I am and what my beliefs are.

Conflicting Value Systems

Living under multiple value systems involves an understanding and commitment to a system of checks and balances. Depending on the situation or circumstances in which a decision may be made one value system may be more appropriate than another in relationship to the decision. Individuals need to have the conviction to stick to and follow their own convictions but have the foresight to see when the values of others may be better suited for the situation.

Having worked at the management level in several organizations I can understand the reasons behind certain policies even though personally I would handle the situations differently. At my current employer of the YMCA we have certain policies on payments for programs, guests visiting our facilities and various other areas. At this same employer our CEO has another set of values that impact how we handle all these areas. Bring into the individual values of those who work there and there is a melting pot of values all trying to work together. The balance is in following the policies of the facility, while honoring the values of the CEO and staying true to your individual beliefs.

September 2, 2009

Individual & Group Ethics - Differences

Within the setting of group ethics the dynamic is much more challenging than individual ethics. Group ethics require guidelines to be in place that take into account the individual ethics of everyone in the group. An individual's ethics are made up of past experiences, family influences and cultural influences. When you bring a group of people together the group ethics are made up of multiple past experiences, various family influences and numerous cultural influences.

Through my work I oversee a division of our organizations before and after school care programs. I work with local school administrators, teachers and parents to develop programs that are beneficial and supportive of the educational development of the children. The group ethics involved in working with these programs have to take into account the needs of each group that is involved with and affected by the actions of the group. This dynamic is much different than my individual ethics in that my wife and I homeschool our children. It is not that we feel it is wrong for children to attend public school it is just that we feel it is our calling to homeschool our family. My individual ethics are similar in many areas but the tools we use to facilitate those ethics are very different.