March 5, 2010

Comfortable Christians

I have wondered what it was about midwest (bible belt) christians that bugged me. They seem to have it all together and understand the meaning of their faith but something just doesn't sit right. During a conversation with someone this past week I finally realized what it is. They are not challenged in their faith.

They are comfortable. They don't seem to have any outside factors keeping them from walking in their so-called faith. They show up Sunday morn looking all pressed and pleated making their weekly appearance to appease their own feelings of duty to the church but what about during the week. Are they challenged to share their faith with anyone or do they do like many around them and assume that everyone already goes to church so what's the point? Are they challenged in their daily walk by worldly distractions that keep them from time with God or do they even realize they are not getting that time?

When we lived in the Pacific Northwest it was a different story. I felt that I had to be intentional about getting my focus on God and surrounding myself with others who could keep me accountable to this. I didn't believe that most around me were christians, instead I knew that most of them were not and I could be the one to share with them. My faith was more real to me because I had to make it a priority in my daily life whereas in the midwest it seems that faith is just part of the day, not the focus of it.

It would be like owning a snow shovel and living in Hawaii. You will never have to really use it but if anyone asks you can tell them you have one. You could make it work if you had to but you're pretty comfortable knowing it won't be necessary. In my opinion if you are going to own a snow shovel you should know how to use and put yourself in situations where you can.

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