July 11, 2009

Culture as Computer Software

Culture is the characteristics and behaviors that define a specific group based on ethnicity, age, social demographic, etc. The relation of culture to computer software can be illustrated through the exploration of compatibility issues. With computer software there are programs that work with certain operating systems better than others. A program may work well with MacOS but not with Windows. It may work optimally with WindowsXP but not with Windows98. There are compatibility concerns with word processor documents also because a document created in one program may not look the same when opened in a different program. The programs are not compatible with each other.

With cultures we can run into the same issues. One culture may be compatible with another because of similarities in their beliefs but not with another that has differences in their work ethics. Every culture has little differences that can cause compatibility issues and the task for us is to address these differences and work out the bugs in our software.

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