October 1, 2009

Research Styles - Compare & Contrast

Exploratory research vs Formal study -

Exploratory research and formal study rely on each other to be effective. Exploratory research is designed to determine what actions need to be taken depending on what questions need to be asked. Once the question(s) have been asked a formal study then looks for an eventual solution to those questions. Exploratory research is a free form that changes for the circumstances whereas in a formal study there is a hypotheses to test that relies on a set structure.

Experimental vs Ex Post Facto research -

In experimental research the variables of the research are modified whereas in ex post facto the variables stay the same. The goal of experimental research is to determine how changing the variables affects the results of the research. Ex post facto research seeks to analyze the results of the study not how the individual variables affect the outcome.

Descriptive vs Casual -

Descriptive and casual studies seek to describe the situation by asking questions with the only difference being what questions are asked. In descriptive studies the questions are who, what, when, where and how much. The missing question of why is what is asked in the casual study. A descriptive study looks to determine the results of the set variables while the casual study looks at why the variables have the affect they do.

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