November 28, 2009

Innovations in Organizational Design

Recent innovations of organizational design have been in three areas. Team-based organizations, matrix organizations and virtual organizations. Team-based organization have taken the team concept a step further and instead of using teams only at certain times the organizations are completely comprised of organizational teams. This team structure allows for more interaction and support of each other within the workings of the organization while giving everyone a chance to be involved. The matrix organization design is comprised of two individual organizational structures that overlap and support each other. The first structure will include traditional organizational departments while the second structure will consist of brand, department, or project based groups that may or may not include employees from the first structure. The virtual organization design is signified by the goal of reducing costs for the organization by outsourcing the work to be done by other organizations. The organization may be producing a product in which someone else is providing key components to the manufacturing.

Although the team-based organization is most appealing to me because it gives opportunity for community support and developing of employees I find the matrix organizational design most interesting. The ability to design an organization in which different sectors of the organization are managed and developed in such a way as to support each other while also ensuring their own department is functioning presents a challenge. This delicate balancing act presents a challenge and opportunity to grow as a leader and expand my understanding of organizational discernment.

Contingency Organizational Theory

The director of a school I once attended told his students in every class that, 'all meaning is context dependent.' There is not one type of leadership style that is affective over all others. Different leadership styles can be affective in different situations and with different people. In this same way organizations need to create an organizational theory that is supportive of the type of organization, the goal of the organization and the people that make up the organization. There is not a cookie cutter formula for all organizations.

For these reasons I believe the contingency organizational theory is the most applicable and useful. Each organization has a different focus that it is trying to achieve and therefore needs to be able to develop theories that are appropriate to it's situation. Contingency theories allow leaders of organizations to develop strategies that can be of the most benefit and usefulness to the organization. Without the ability to adjust for the context of the situation it could feel like a square peg going into a round hole. The theories just don't work and no matter how much effort is put out the result may not change.

I believe the contingency theory gives me the best opportunity to use my leadership skills in developing an organization that allows it's employees to grow, develop and succeed. I can develop strategies which serve my leadership styles and support the goals of the organization while establishing a system that will support these aims.

Stealing a phrase from my former director, 'all theories are organizationally dependent.' I don't think he'd mind.

Organizational Development in Today's Society

While advances in business technology have limited some of the impact of traditional business tactics organizational psychology is still an area that requires attention for businesses to be successful. Organizational development serves several purposes within an organization. The first area in which organizational development can be useful is in business survival. When businesses are struggling to compete and stay relevant in their given market organizational development seeks to analyze and determine where changes need to be made. The next area is in affecting organizational performance. Organizational development strategies work to develop methods of affecting performance to illicit a more productive and motivated response. The last area is to address plans for organizational change. Businesses grow and develop where the use of organizational development strategies can be used in implementing and development plans for changes that need to take place.

In today's society with how unexpectedly things change the need to be able to roll with the punches is a huge asset for organizational success. The understanding and application of organizational development techniques will support organizational leaders in being able lead effectively for the personal and professional development of the organization and those who are employed by it.

November 25, 2009

New Members: Good or Bad

In regards to bringing in new members to a team it can be a benefit. In my experience if a team is closed off to new members coming in it can result in the team becoming complacent and content with where they are. New members to the team will bring in new ideas and energy that may be necessary to keep the team growing and developing.

I think a good example is churches. There are many churches who have older leaders and they are committed to their traditions and rules that they have always followed. The problem is that these same leaders do not welcome new young leaders to join the team. In time the church ends up dying off because it has become content in it's own safety and security.

November 21, 2009

Cohesiveness in a Group setting

Cohesiveness is the ability of people to work together towards a common goal. Understanding each others strengths and weaknesses along with their personal and professional motivations builds a sense of comradery that unifies a team. Cohesiveness brings a group together and develops them into a team that believes in and supports each other. People who are part of a cohesive team with have a more positive behavior at and about work. The behavior will be reflective of the fact that people will feel like they are cared about and understood because of the connections they have with their team.

The success or failure of a group is not dependent on the cohesiveness but it can be a benefit. A more cohesive group will succeed as a team with everyone contributing to the success. When the group is not as cohesive they can still succeed but there may be a sense that the success was at the expense of some of the team members. Cohesion is not necessary but is beneficial.

Groupthink, What is it & How to avoid it

Groupthink involves the members of a particular group deciding to make a group decision and avoiding any sense of conflict. This most often means that individual concerns and opinions are not shared within the group. Either those within the group do not want to make waves so they don't raise any opposing views or the members of the group do not give time and opportunity for concerns to be discussed. Groups work this way when they are under a strict timeline that has created a sense of urgency with the decision making process.

Avoiding groupthink is done by creating an environment that gives all group members an opportunity to voice concerns and opinions about the discussions within the group. Many times managers do not allow this type of interaction because of the potential for conflict and delays in the decision making process. Allowing interaction amongst group members will not only reduce the opportunity for issues of groupthink to arise but will also give members of the group an opportunity to have more ownership of the decisions the group makes. This will reduce the opportunity for members to feel like their opinion is not relevant or appreciated within the organization.

November 19, 2009

Group vs. Team

In the midst of the current NFL season lies an example of group and team differences. There is an NFL owners group which works together to make the NFL a fair and just organization that they can all participate in. Each one of those owners represents a team which has the sole purpose of winning every game they play against the other teams in the league. The owners group has a common bond but the team members have a common goal.

I believe that a team is a more unified and focused group in which all the members are working together, supporting each other in their weakness, and striving for a common goal. This is why online blogs are called discussion groups and not discussion teams. The members of the blog share a common bond of one type or another but they may not all share a common goal. Leadership teams that are designed and functioning properly consist of members that appreciate each others strengths and weakness. The leadership team also works together to understand how the members of the team can better serve each other as they strive to achieve their goal.

Transformational Leadership

At an organization I once worked at I had a manager who understood and fulfilled what it meant to be a transformational leader. He told all his staff that the sign that he was a good manager was to train others below him to be better equipped for the job than he was. He never felt threatened by any of his staff that if they learned more than him that his job might be in jeopardy but rather embraced the idea that he could develop new managers. He trained us, mentored us, and released us to do the work.

Transformational leaders see the big picture and the needs of the organization. They are not concerned with personal glory and recognition but want to see the team succeed above all else. There is a sense that although they know the next step to take they are more interested in others finding the right path also. Everything they do is about making everyone around them better, not just themselves.

I think of the Dr. House character on the House TV show. Although he seems to know the next step to be done he is always engaging his staff and encouraging them to determine the response for themselves.

November 12, 2009

Methods for Coping with Stress

Effectively coping with stress will help to create an environment full of well rested and focused employees. To assist in coping with stress organizational psychologists have several tools at their disposal. Stress management techniques that encourage productive and positive stress reduction are essential to coping with stress. Fitness and gym membership programs will give employees an outlet on to release stress and increase their wellness at the same time. Stress can also be monitored and reduced through staff mentoring programs, open-door policies, and peer reviews. The ability of employees to feel comfortable that they can discuss stresses they have, both personal and professional, without fear of repercussion will go a long ways towards reducing the opportunity for stress to become a factor in the day-to-day work environment.

Organizational psychologists also have the opportunity to affect stress through the development of practices and policies that contribute to a healthy and stress free work environment. Doing theis behind the scenes work is critical to the success of the organization and happiness of the employees.

Affect of Wellness on Performance Excellence

Achieving performance excellence requires employees to be focused on and physically able to perform. The wellness of an employee is a factor in this performance in both the physical well being and psychological well being. It is not enough for someone to be physically able to perform they must also be mentally free of distractions and focused on the task at hand. Wellness is essential for the success of an organization. Many organizations have gone to changing out vending machines with more health conscious food with the intention of affecting the wellness of their employees. In the same context organizations have developed fitness programs that they encourage their staff to participate in for their physical well being. The psychological aspect of the organization is monitored through peer evaluations and counseling services.

One of the best examples of this balance is with athletes. You can have the most physically gifted athlete but if their mind is not clear they will not be achieve to achieve the excellence they seek. Distractions such as family issues, injury concerns, and external factors can all be facets of psychological wellness that may affect performance excellence.

November 8, 2009

Organizational Psychologists Working w/ Employees

Organizational psychologists can work with employees to assist them in developing their own path to success. Developing a path that gives employees a way to analyze and develop their professional and personal skills will create an environment in which employees will grow to understand their potential for success. This potential will work as a motivator for reaching for success.

Organizational psychologists can use tools such as personality and gifts testing to inform employees of where their strengths lie and which areas need to be developed for success. The self-understanding of an individuals personality and gifts can be freeing to allow employees and employers to put people into positions that are the most appropriate for them.

Another aspect that OP's can contribute to is to in working with managers to develop incentive programs that reward employees for success. Success can be measured by training levels, achievement of goals, and productivity. Incentive programs can be great motivators as long as they are managed in such a way as to not pit one employee against another but rather to encourage the success of everyone.

November 5, 2009

Satisfying Internal & External Customers

External customers want to work with organizations that are changing and developing new products / services. Organizations need to stay on top of trends so that they can keep customers apprised of and current with modernizations. If an organization does not continue to develop new services and grow with modern changes customers will go to organizations that will. Customers look for the best return on investment and if an organization is not modernizing with the changes in culture the return on investment could be very low.

Just as important are the internal customers. The employees, the stockholders, and the owners are all internal customers of the organization that look for the organization to keep growing, developing, and producing procedures that ensure future success and growth of the organization. If the internal customers are not satisfied with the organization then it will be difficult for the external customers to be satisfied either.

Modern organizations face challenges of new and challenging methods of motivation, encouragement, and rewards. Understanding the modern culture of business and what internal and external customers expect is critical so ensuring proper customer satisfaction.

Motivation from Organizational Psychologists

Workers need to be challenged to be constantly learning how to do their job better. Organizational psychologists can develop reward programs that encourage workers to further their educations, through both internal and external educational opportunities. Further seeking to understand the professional and personal goals of the employees will help organizations relate to and support their employee development. With education programs in place that increase employees abilities there will be an increased level of flexibility in adjusting to changes in cultural and economical fluctuations.

Motivation can come in many different forms. With everything from financial bonuses to community perks employees can be motivated to excel and push themselves to new heights. The challenge in motivation employees to stay current in the modern organization is to show them that learning and keeping up with modern changes in business will keep themselves relevant and modern also. Flexibility requires people to be willing and able to change. Organizational psychologists should seek to understand and develop systems for changes that limit the negative aspects for employees and encourage growth and promotion.