January 14, 2007

The Relevance of Church

I have been wrestling, for some time now, with the frustration of "The Church" not being what I believe it is called to be. I am going to seek to dig into this concept and share in a weekly blog on what I see happening, why I think it is happening and how I think we can change it.

Relevant (as defined by Webster) is "bearing upon or relating to the matter in hand; pertinent; to the point."

When it comes to work we seek to do a job that is worthy of us being relevant to the success of the company. In friendships/relationships we seek to relate and suppport each other so that to make sure that we are relevant to each others life. In parenting we seek to make decisions and develop our relationship with our children so as to be relevant to them as they mature and move on.

With all the ways we as individuals seek to be relevant to those around us why would we think it is any less important for "The Church" to be any less relevant. This is what I want to explore. This is what I want to seek to understand. This is the roadblock, that I want to break through, that I believe is holding many churches back from truly making the impact we are called to make.

As I journey through this I pray that you will extend me some grace as I seek to understand the relevance of church. I welcome your feedback and pray that as we go forward together we can grow in our faith and understanding that if we, as "The Church", truly want to impact the world around us then we must first attempt to understand this world and what it needs from us.

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