April 24, 2010

Difficult Personality Types in A Group Setting

Provide two examples of difficult personality types. Explain how to effectively deal with them.

Depending on the personality types that are present within a group there is always the potential for difficult personality types. There are, however, certain personality types additionally difficult within a group setting. The introvert personality type can be an obstacle in a group setting as they prefer time to themselves and are not as deliberate in their involvement in a group setting. It will be of benefit to a group leader to understand this and allow for time that is for the introvert to respond without feeling like they are interrupting. Another type that can be challenging is that of thinker as they may not always respond in the time desired because they are taking time to ponder the discussions and come up with a precise response to the decisions. Thinkers need to be seen as an asset to the group and relied upon because of their ability to process and understand the big picture of the decisions being made.

Combine these personality types and you get a team member who is quiet yet thoughtful. They often have something to add to the group but unless prompted will not share it with the group. Introverted thinkers are the ones sitting quietly in the background of a meeting and need to be engaged and encouraged to participate in the discussion. As an INTJ my personality encompasses both of these types and as such I know that I must be intentional in my participation or a can go through a meeting without saying a word and regret it later.

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