April 22, 2010

Group Roles

Describe two group roles into which you fit. Explain how these roles benefit the group.

I like to look outside the box for solutions. I believe that traditions and rules are made to be broken if they are not in the best interest of the goal at hand. I can look at a situation and come up with a course of action that others don't see and believe that just because something has never been done before is no reason to think it won't work. All of this contributes to me filling the innovator role within the group.

In support of this role I also serve as an implementer in a group. I am able to put people into roles that suit their abilities in a way that best serves the goal of the team while starting an action plan focused on getting the job done. I believe there are multiple ways to accomplish goals and the importance is in reaching the goal not in how you get there.

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