May 16, 2009

Everyone Gets An "A"

The philosophy of looking for what is on the inside rather than judging by outward appearances can be very beneficial for leaders. When you look for the best in others and give them an opportunity to grow in their abilities you create an environment of growth and possibilities. I think everyone has the ability to achieve and be great but it is a matter of giving them the freedom and support to realize that greatness.

Although I think the "Giving an 'A'" philosophy can be used to great benefit it can also be misconstrued as a way to level the playing field. Within many things today, especially youth activities & sports, there is a big push to recognize everyone and not judge or grade the individuals. Although I believe everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve I don't think that should mean we don't recognize and reward success. When you recognize success not only do you reward those who have excelled but you give others a goal to shoot for. The responsibility falls on the leader to develop and encourage everyone to succeed and achieve. Not everyone will reach the same goals but so leaders need to be able to recognize individual successes among the team.

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