September 4, 2009

Personal & Professional Values

An individuals values at the professional level should be a reflection of the values at a personal level but not an exact replica. Personal values are what is best for the individual, their family and the cultural context they are in. Professional values need to take a broader stance as they have to take into account what is best for the organization, for the customers and for the stakeholders of the organization (both internal and external).

As a homeschool parent I feel it is my duty to raise my children and teach them myself. In this context I have a specific set of values that take into account the importance of a good education, the necessity of community involvement / interaction with others and the flexibility to custom fit educational studies to the personal needs and interests of my children. Through my work with the YMCA I work with several programs for high school, jr. high and elementary students in the local schools. Through these programs my values include the importance of a good education, the importance of a support system for children to be able to work through daily struggles (at school and at home) and the value of the students as individuals.

Some of my values are the same personally and professionally but many are different. I see the importance in both situations and understand that there is a need and purpose for both. My values in both areas are consistent with staying true to who I am and what my beliefs are.

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